Tuesday 15 April 2014

Evaluation Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I have presented all of my ideas onto a prezi to answer this question in order to be creative with the presentation of my work.

The prezi shows how I came to the decision as to what type of characters would play each role in my thriller. I really thought about the age that would best represent my narrative and the social class of them. This also linked in to me thinking about costumes as they have very little money, they wouldn't be wearing very expensive or good quality clothing.

Here are some screen shots from my thriller and from 'The Call' to show the stalker being male and the antagonist being very similar to the character in 'The Call' where the man kidnaps young girls. He is also quite young and is not fully revealed until half way through the film. I have followed the same convention as I have found that hiding his identity leaves a sense of mystery. He is however, of a different race which I have chosen to do because I wanted to conform to generic conventions of a thriller as I used a black man to play a criminal which is a very stereotypical representation.

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